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HomeHow InventHelp Can Assist with Patent Protection For Your New Invention Idea

As a new inventor, it is natural for you to want to find out as much about the process as possible before you start your journey. This is why it is important to do your research and find out about some of the most important aspects of the journey, such as patent protection, prototype creation, marketing, and getting funding, among other things. Another thing that you should look into as a new inventor is getting a team of experts on hand to assist and support you through your first experience, such as the team at InventHelp.


The good news is that there are many ways in which InventHelp can assist new inventors with ideas that they want to pursue. It is important to find the right new invention company when you first start out, as this can make such a big difference to your experience and confidence, among other things. Naturally, you want a provider that is reputable and has a strong track record in the field, and InventHelp ticks both of these boxes. Moreover, #InventHelp      #Inventions     #Patent     #Ideas     #Inventors they can help you in many ways because the team offers packaged services that will ensure you have assistance and support from the start to the end of your journey.


There are many important processes that are involved in the new invention process, and we will look at these throughout this article. Often, the best way to learn more about key processes as well as providers is to look at common questions that have already been submitted by other new inventors. The chances are that, as a new inventor yourself, you will have the same sorts of questions, so these can be very helpful.


In this article, we will look at some of the common Q&As about one of the most crucial processes involved in your new invention journey – patenting. In addition, we will also provide some common Q&As about InventHelp in general to help you to make a more informed decision with regard to whether this is the right provider for you.


An Overview of InventHelp


So, let’s begin with a brief overview of InventHelp and how this provider assists new inventors. The company dates back to the mid-1980s and has been going strong for decades. Over that period, the professionals at InventHelp have assisted huge numbers of new inventors with ideas for inventions in a wide range of industries.


With a presence in 65 cities across the USA and Canada, this provider has a wide reach and has helped newbies from all walks of life and a wide range of destinations. Its solid reputation and track record in the world of new inventions has enabled InventHelp to go from strength to strength over the years, with many new inventors seeking support and assistance from the team.


Whether it is helping with key processes such as patent protection and prototype creation, providing connections and access to resources, or offering general support and guidance, there are lots of ways in which this provider assists new inventors. You can learn more about InventHelp’s services in this article, but first let’s learn more about one of the most important processes in your journey – sorting out patent protection.


About the Patenting Process


When you come up with an idea for an invention, it is vital that you take steps to protect your intellectual property. If you fail to do this, all sorts of problems can arise, and this could cause serious headaches for you. In addition, you also need to make sure that someone else has not already come up with the same idea and filed for a patent/has an active patent. This is why patent searches and applications are so vital.


In order to ensure everything is done by the book when it comes to this vital process, you need to make sure you use the services of a legal expert who specializes in patent law. Many new inventors have no idea where to start or how to find the right professional, but InventHelp can refer you to a suitably qualified and experienced patent legal professional to sort out the legalities. Once you have this side of things sorted, you will benefit from both legal protection and peace of mind. 


How Does InventHelp Assist with Patenting?


As mentioned above, having a qualified and experienced patent expert on hand is vital if you want to make sure the process is carried out by the book. At InventHelp, the team can refer you to a patent law expert so that this can be sorted out for you swiftly and efficiently. Of course, it is important to remember that it can take some time due to checks and searches that must be carried out, but the legal experts working with this invention company will make sure that there are no unnecessary delays. 


In order to ensure you get your patent protection and searches carried out in a timely manner by an expert, InventHelp can refer you to one of its legal specialists. They will then carry out all necessary searches and deal with your application for a patent, which takes a huge amount of stress off your shoulders as someone who is new to the world of inventing. This means that you will have the expertise you need to help you with one of the most vital processes of your journey. 


Why Is This Process Vital?


There are many reasons why this is such a vital process in your journey as a new inventor, and it is one that should be carried out as soon as possible. One of the reasons it is so important is that you need to ensure that someone else has not already come up with the invention idea and has a patent pending or an active patent.


Another thing to keep in mind is that failing to get patent protection means that someone else could potentially find out about your invention idea, and then claim it as your own. They can copy your design and claim it was theirs, put forward your idea as their own, and you could lose all rights over your own idea. This is a form of intellectual property theft, but without patent protection in place, there is little you can do.


One other thing to remember is that someone else could easily come up with the same idea as you. If this happens, and they then get it patented before you do, you could lose out. This is why you need to act swiftly when it comes to getting the patent protection and searches sorted out. 


How To Get Started With Patenting an Invention Idea?


As a new inventor, you will most likely not be familiar with the patenting process, or just how much is involved. This can be a complex process, which is why it is advisable to have legal experts on board to assist from start to finish. So, what exactly does the patenting process involve? Here is a rundown of what has to be done when it comes to getting patent protection in place:


Doing necessary patent searches: The first thing that has to be done as part of this process is a search to ensure there are no existing patents or patents pending that could be infringed as a result of your invention idea. Naturally, in order to get a patent, your idea must be unique, so a search must be conducted to ensure you have not come up with the same or a very similar idea as someone who has already applied for a patent.

Preparing a patent application: If the searches do not bring up anything, the next step is to prepare the application for a patent. As part of this process, a detailed description of your invention idea along with images and illustrations is created so that the application can be filed. 

Filing the patent application: Once this has been done, you move on to filing the patent application. This is then filed with the appropriate patent office and can be done electronically or via regular post. It is important to note that you will have to pay the specified fees associated with filing your application, and the costs can vary based on where you are located and the patent type you are applying for.

Examination of the patent application: When your patent application has been filed with the patent office, an official will then examine it thoroughly and also carry out further searches. The application has to be properly assessed by officials from the patent office to determine viability and patentability. 

Receive the results: Once the patent officials have done their bit, you can then expect a decision with regard to whether you will be granted a patent or refused. If you are refused, you might be able to appeal the decision, or you might be able to make amendments to your application in order to address any objections that were raised by the patent office.

So, as you can see, it is a lengthy and involved process, and you do have to be patient. Making sure you have a legal expert on board can help to reduce the risk of errors that could result in rejection, and it can save time as well as reduce the stress of going through this process.


Once your patent is granted, it has to be maintained, and there are periodic fees involved throughout the life of the patent. 


Common Questions About InventHelp


So, now you know more about the patenting process, it is time to learn a bit more about InventHelp so that you can determine whether this is the right provider for you. Looking at questions that have already been asked by other new inventors in the past is a great way to find out more about the provider and what to expect. Of course, you should also carry out some independent research into the provider, which you can easily do online. Check out reviews of InventHelp from others as well as reading up on articles about the provider. 


So, let’s take a look at some common questions about this provider:


How Can InventHelp Assist New Inventors?


One thing that many new inventors want to find out is how InventHelp can assist them. Naturally, you want to know whether it is in your best interests to get this provider on board, so this is a very important question. The good news is that there are lots of ways in which InventHelp can assist new inventors, and this has seen its popularity soar over the decades. 


Not only can you expect a very high level of support and service from the team at InventHelp, but you can also enjoy access to a range of resources and tools to help you with your first experience as a new inventor. They can help with key tasks such as patenting and prototypes, provide help with marketing, connect you with potential investors for funding, and help you to get your idea reviewed by businesses, among many other things. 


As a packaged service provider, InventHelp offers a suite of services that can make a big difference to your experience when you embark upon your first invention journey. 


What Services Does InventHelp Offer?


As part of its packaged offering, InventHelp provides a range of valuable services to new inventors. Those who are new to the world of inventing generally have no idea how to move forward with their invention idea, and what the process involves. With the range of services and assistance offered, InventHelp can make the entire experience far more enjoyable and far less stressful. Among the services and resources that the provider offers are:


Access to a database of thousands of companies willing to review the invention ideas of new inventors

Referral to patent experts to sort out the legal side of things and conduct patent searches

Expert design services to help new inventors to create the ideal prototype and show others what their invention looks like, what it does, and how it works

Access to a wide range of tools and resources to help new inventors learn about the industry as they go along

Top-notch support and guidance from the start to the finish of the invention journey

Expert marketing services for new inventors that want help with creating marketing campaigns

Ability to connect new inventors with potential investors in order to raise funding for their invention

This is a sample of the many ways in which InventHelp can assist new inventors taking their first steps into the world of new inventions. Having this type of assistance and support on hand can make a big positive difference to your experience. In addition, the provider has been offering these services to new inventors for decades, and this means that you can feel more reassured when you turn to these pros for help. 


 How Much Does It Cost to Use InventHelp?


Most new inventors have to think about the costs involved in moving forward with their new invention, so they are naturally curious to know whether there are fees involved when using the services of InventHelp. As a business, InventHelp does have to charge for its services, but you have to also consider the level of support and the wide range of services you get as part of your fee.


When it comes to the amount that is charged, this can vary based on a range of factors and it is determined on a case-by-case basis. So, you can find out what the cost will be when you approach the team and discuss your invention idea with them. However, rest assured that you will be able to make an informed decision, as you will be able to find out everything about the fees involved before you sign anything or make any commitment. The company is honest and transparent about its costs, so there are no unexpected hidden fees to worry about later down the line. 


Is Information Safe and Secure?


As a new inventor, you are proud of your invention idea, and the last thing you want is to have it falling into the wrong hands. However, this can and does happen, which is why you have to be careful about who you tell and where you talk about your invention idea. In addition, if you use a provider to help you with your first journey, you must ensure that it is a trustworthy provider with a strong focus on security and confidentiality.


With InventHelp, you can rest easy knowing that the details of your invention will be kept completely safe. The provider has a number of protocols in place to ensure this, including confidentiality agreements that are signed by those involved in your project. This also includes the companies that are on the database to review new inventors’ ideas. So, you can benefit from peace of mind when it comes to the security of your invention idea. 


Does the Provider Assist with Marketing?


While new inventors often think carefully about some aspects of the process, many forget about the basics, such as marketing. If you want to raise awareness about your invention, you need to have a solid marketing strategy in place, and this can be challenging if you have no marketing experience and nobody you can turn to for help.


At InventHelp, the team can provide services to help you create excellent marketing campaigns for your new invention, and this can make a big difference while making the process far less stressful for you. In today’s competitive world, marketing is more important than ever, and having experts on hand to assist you can prove invaluable.


Can InventHelp Assist with Getting Funding?


One of the things that many new inventors worry about is if and how they can get funding they might need for their new invention. This can be especially difficult for new inventors, as most do not have industry links or connections with possible investors. The good news is that InventHelp can provide a helping hand to those that want to approach potential investors about getting funding.


The team can connect you with possible investors, which means that you will then be able to pitch your idea to try and get them on board. Moreover, the InventHelp team can also assist you in putting together a great pitch to boost your chances of impressing investors and getting the funding you need. Having a prototype of your new invention can also prove invaluable when it comes to getting investors on board, and this is something else that the team can help you with. 


How Solid Is InventHelp’s Reputation?


When you use any type of provider to help you with your first journey as a new inventor, you naturally want to ensure they have a solid reputation and strong track record within the industry. This is something that a lot of new inventors are keen to find out about InventHelp, as they want the peace of mind that comes with choosing a respected and experienced provider.


Having been in this industry for four decades, InventHelp certainly has plenty of experience as well as a proven track record when it comes to working with new inventors. In addition, you can learn more about the company’s reputation and what you can expect by checking out reviews and testimonials that have been submitted by other new inventors who have already tried out the provider’s services. This will give you a much better idea of how reputable the provider is, and it means that you can make a more informed decision with greater ease. 


What Type of Invention Does the Provider Help With?


All sorts of wonderful inventions have been brought to the world over the years thanks to the minds of geniuses. When people come up with new invention ideas, it could be for products in a wide range of industries and to help people in many different ways. The good news is that you can approach InventHelp for advice no matter what type of invention idea you have come up with.


There are no hard and fast rules with regard to the type of invention ideas InventHelp can help with, and the team has helped inventors with all sorts of unique and quirky ideas in the past. So, even if you think your invention is a little off the wall, it is well worth speaking to the team about getting assistance if you are keen to move forward with it. 


What Are the Benefits of Using InventHelp?


All new inventors want to get a better idea of what the benefits are of using InventHelp to assist them with their first new invention journey. Well, the benefits are numerous, and this is why so many new inventors decide to seek help from these professionals. Some of the major benefits you can look forward to when you turn to this provider are:


Total transparency and honest throughout the process

Support and guidance from the start to the end of your journey

More confidence and motivation thanks to the high level of support you receive

Access to a wide range of resources and tools to help you with your first experience

The ability to get your new invention idea reviewed by companies

Vital help with some of the most important processes such as patenting, marketing, prototype creation, and more

The peace of mind that comes with using a reputable and established provider

Of course, you need to remember that there is never any guarantee of success if you use InventHelp or any other new inventions services provider. Success can never be guaranteed when it comes to new inventions – this is true even for seasoned inventors with past successes. So, you will never receive any guarantee of success from the team at InventHelp.


You will, however, receive plenty of guidance and support, lots of help with important processes, and access to a range of valuable services that will help you through your first journey.


Make an Informed Decision


By reading through important questions and answers, such as those outlined above, you will be able to learn more about this provider and how the team can help you as a new inventor. You can also find out more about the provider’s reputation and track record, which enables you to make a decision with regard to suitability with far greater ease.


Naturally, you need to make sure you are totally happy with your decision before you make any commitment, so it is always important to carry out your own research online. Checking out online InventHelp reviews from other people can make it much easier for you to learn more and draw upon the experiences of others. In addition, this can give you a better idea of the provider’s experience levels, service levels, and overall effectiveness when it comes to helping new inventors.


Once you are happy with what you discover, you can then contact the team and start moving forward with your invention idea.